21 Oct Tracey Bell Brings more than a Show to the Silver Screen Gala
When Tracey Bell committed to performing at the Silver Screen Gala on October 18th, she saw a great opportunity to make the fundraiser for Langley Care Foundation and Langley Hospice more successful.
Here’s what Tracey had to say:
“I’ve been performing at Special Events for 27 years. Sometimes I want to do things that aren’t usually my job, especially for fundraisers. I had known the event planner, Debbie Howard, for many years though ISES and The Canadian Special Event Industry . Deb agreed to let me handle some of the publicity. Jasper Anson of Novacurrent Creative Solutions has connections with Langley media since he works with Langley pop country duo Robyn & Ryleigh, so I asked him to come on board. Publicity is a win-win since press is good for my career as well as the cause.”.
As a result of NovaCurrent’s press release and Jasper’s hard work, Tracey ended up appearing on three TV shows, being featured in three newspapers, having a full-page magazine spread and more. Those interviews and appearances kept Bell busy between her other gigs before the Gala.
Her fans helped the fundraiser out as well. Two of Tracey’s closest friends and best supporters were the biggest bidders of the night. Steffany Hanlen Francey and her husband Patrick Francey bought a VIP table in the front row with their friends, including Alf and Sandie Krause of Krause Berry Farms . Their table’s high bids during the live and silent auctions got them a private flight and lunch for 4 in Victoria, A dinner for 10 people, a cooking class with Angie Cuaale , a basket of local wines and a photo shoot.

Steffany Hanlen Francey, Patrick Francey, Tracey Bell as Marilyn Monroe and Alf Krause
The night was a huge success.
As a result of her performance, Tracey Bell has been hired to perform at Langley MLA Mary Polak’s fundraiser in March. There is also a rumour that the planning committee for next year’s fundraiser for Langley Hospice and Langley Lodge might bring Bell back to perform a customized show with new characters and costumes.
David Cristofoli Photography

Cher chooses an 82-year-old to be Sonny, Tracey bell at the Silver Screen Gala

Tracey Bell as Liza Minnelli performs New York New York at Langley’s Silver Screen Gala