Award-winning entertainer Tracey Bell is excited to host the 2014 Women in Film & Television Spotlight Awards and 25th Anniversary Gala on April 30th at Performance Works (1218 Cartwright St – Granville Island). Bell will be changing wigs and costumes in seconds to become show business legends Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Julie Andrews, Celine Dion, Liza Minnelli, Judy Garland and more. ...

Corporate events, in and of themselves, are activities to look forward to. They signify a milestone crossed for a company, a celebration of a meeting a goal, or a step in a new direction. Employees look forward to these times when they have the chance to let their hair down and socialize with their colleagues without deadlines and projects looming in the near future...

Choosing the proper entertainment to perform at a corporate event can be an exciting undertaking. Searching for the talent, reading their reviews, watching their videos and making the final decision can make you feel like you are preparing the cast for the next big play on Broadway. ...

As a new member of the International Special Events Society, Tracey Bell went all-out to immerse herself with the burlesque theme of the organization's recent event, The 2011 Spectacular....